Things You Can Find In The Bathroom

You probably don’t give the bathroom basin much thought, unless it’s filled with water and you’re about to use it to brush your teeth. But the bathroom basin can be more than that, it can contain quite a few items, including toothpaste and soaps that help keep your mouth clean, as well as hairbrush or comb to help style your hair, and even makeup products that will help bring out the beauty in your face. Here are some other things that you may find in the basin.


If you’re not brushing your teeth before bed, you might want to reconsider the habit. Sleeping with a mouth full of bacteria can lead to some nasty problems like cavities, gum disease, and more serious health conditions like heart disease. A toothbrush is a must-have item for brushing and flossing your teeth before bed.

Hair tie

I was in the bathroom at work when I noticed a hair tie on top of the bathroom basin. I picked it up and put it in my purse because it’s always good to have one handy. From that moment on, anytime I went to the bathroom at work, I looked for more hair ties. Sometimes there were none, but sometimes there would be one. Every time I found a hair tie, without fail, someone would walk in just as I had picked it up or put it into my purse.

Makeup pouch

If you’re a makeup lover and you often find yourself on the go, a makeup pouch might be just what you need. Pouches are portable, come in many different sizes, styles and colors to suit your needs and make it easy to pack up your favorites for travel.


One thing you might find in the bathroom is shampoo. Shampoo is a hair care product that is used to clean the hair and scalp. This cleans the hair and removes excess oils, dirt, and build-up.

Many shampoos are made with moisturizing ingredients like lavender or tea tree oil to keep your hair soft and healthy after washing it.


If you have dry hands, lotion is a must. It hydrates the skin and prevents cracks and callouses from developing. A close second to lotion would be soap, which can clean off any unwanted bacteria that may have grown on your hands. Some people use both of these products in tandem for an added boost of protection against bacteria and other germs.


When people think about flossing, they generally just think about the teeth. However, it’s important to remember that some of the most important aspects of oral hygiene include the teeth and gums. Flossing is an excellent way to remove plaque from between the teeth where toothbrushes can’t reach.